It’s usually everyone’s wish to get that glowing, well-toned skin. Yet, it’s no surprise that most people won’t take a few minutes of their day to moisturise their skin, which tend to be affected by environmental factors, different products, and diet choices.
With inadequate care and a poor diet, it’s not uncommon for you to experience dry skin, which can result in fissures and cracks. Luckily, moisturising offers an excellent solution for your skin care needs, and here is how it can benefit your skin.
1. Prevents Skin Dryness
Indoor heat, air conditioning, harsh soaps, and weather conditions usually suck the moisture out of your skin. Over time, such exposures and factors cause skin dryness, which can result in scaling, itching, and cracking if ignored.
Applying moisturisers can help rehydrate your skin by trapping water in the skin. While dry skin isn’t a medical worry, having soft, glowing skin helps to prevent inflammation and possible skin infections.
2. Reduces Signs of Aging
The skin starts to lose elasticity and becomes less elastic when we age. It can lead to wrinkles and sagging, which can even be more noticeable if you’re younger than 40. It means that our skin is less able to retain moisture and make up for lost collages.
A good moisturiser will enhance the skin’s ability to absorb water and prevent premature ageing. Be sure to pair your moisturiser with a great sunscreen to make the most of it.
3. Help Keep Away Acne
In most cases, acne occurs when your skin gets too dry. When this happens, the skin sends a message to your body’s glands to produce more sebum, which may clog your pores and hair follicles, making your skin prone to pimples.
Dermatologists support moisturising in reducing acne and recommend moisturisers that contain benzoyl peroxide to reduce acne. A good product should be oil-free and non-comedogenic to avoid clogging your pores further.
4. Reduces the Symptoms Of Inflammation
Moisturising our skin might minimise the risk of developing a range of conditions, including inflammation and age-related diseases. If you have an infection that causes inflammation, you can apply a moisturiser with anti-inflammation properties to relieve the swelling and pain.
Be sure to find moisturisers that contain anti-inflammatory agents, which are incorporated with emollients or humectants to provide additional barrier repair and control skin dryness and further inflammation. Products that have Omega-3s and -6s help in restoring moisture.
Improve Your Skin with Moisturising
Moisturising is essential for healthy skin, and it’s something that dermatologists recommend to different patients. It helps to prevent dryness and flakiness and can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Moisturising can also aid in the healing of certain skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. Regular use of moisturiser can help to keep the skin soft, smooth and supple, giving a youthful and radiant appearance.
Before using any product, however, be sure to consult with a dermatologist. This is particularly important for those with sensitive skin, as different products have different ingredients.